środa, 29 kwietnia 2009

My Recommendation

I would like to recommend you TERRY PRATCHETT! ! !

Terry Pratchett

He is a British writer commonly known as Terry Pratcherr. However, his full name with title sounds like Sir Terence David John Pratchett. He writes short fantasy stories and novels. He is mostly known for his Discworld series. I admire him mostly for his sense of humor, which is specific, very English and very witty, and for his productivity. He writes at average two books a year, which is quite outstanding, and additionally the books contain very interesting, twisted plot, many gags and all of them are very readable. You can read them without even noticing because they are so absorbing. Year ago he vas diagnosed with an Alzheimer's disease. Despite this fact he appealed to people “to keep things cheerful” and that he feels he has time for "at least a few more books yet". He is one of the ten people who I admire the most

Some quotes from Terry’s books:

“Always be wary of any helpful item that weighs less than its operating manual.”

“God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of his own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players, to being involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time.”

“Gravity is a habit that is hard to shake off.”

“An education was a bit like a communicable sexual disease. It made you unsuitable for a lot of jobs and then you had the urge to pass it on.”! ! ! ! :):)

“Gods don't like people not doing much work. People who aren't busy all the time might start to think.”

Link to Terry’s website


New President Of The USA

In my opinion it is good that the US has chosen Obama for president. First of all, he is more comprehensible than his predecessor who was able to answer for most of the questions with saying: ”you’ve got the horse, now you have to ride it”. But who was asking him about the horse in the first place? I thing it’s good that the Texas Chief was dethroned. Additionally, Obama is the first black president in the history of the US so probable that he will focus on the racial and gender inequalities in the Us. Some white people have a problem with that but I think that in this case the main problem is probably their stupidity. Furthermore, I hope that he will end the unneeded warfare and maybe come to terms with the economy because, how much most of us don’t like, the economy of the US has an enormous influence on the rest of the world. I’m an optimist hope that the this change will make good for the people of America and not only.

Teaching practice

Hmmm… Teaching practise is a quite unusual experience. I knew that I am going to do that at the college but still it was always quite difficult to imagine oneself on the other side of the desk. And suddenly and unexpectedly the day came. As most of us I was stressed at the beginning than the stress went away. But I must say that after 2 or 4 lessons the feeling of uncertainty completely disappeared. However, it reappeared with doubled and even tripled intensity during the observed lesson. My conclusion: after conducting 21 lessons it occurred to me that I probably do not want to be a teacher because I have found out that probably I have totally different vocation. But still I want to finis the college, the quicker, the better.

Christmas memories

Christmas today are in a way still special for me because it is probably the only opportunity to see all of my old friends at once. At the same time I can visit the family from my mother’s side. But if I go with my memory back to my childhood I am able to say that it lost much of the excitement which was present when I was a child. Probably till the end of third grade I was waiting for Christmas with my breath taken. I was not an egoistic child, I was not waiting for the presents to appear under the Christmas tree. The most fun was, as I remember, decorating the Christmas tree with my younger brother and preparing handmade presents for our parents. It was funny when they found their first presents from us because they were not expecting that to happen. In the next couple of years me and my brother were saving the money, which sometimes our grandparents gave us, in order to buy some little presents for our parents. The most interesting thing for me was the fact that we did not know what to choose. We thought that a bread-board for our mother and a screwdriver kit for our father were the greatest presents because they used them every day. Later we discovered that they had some other hobbies and we improved our presents but still the first presents were practical. Hmmm… remembering it the thigh which counts.

My Childhood Memories

Since I do not publish any of me in the internet I will be consistent in this case. But it is easy to guess that as most of the children I had two legs, two arms, no teeth and some hair. My parents say that I was quiet disobedient as a child and some times I caused problems but still it is probably a common characteristic for most of the children. I remember, though, that I had, and still have in most of the cases, a great respect for the adults and kids older than me. I thought that probably they knew better if they are older and have more experience. However, within a couple of years I partially changed my attitude since I saw many adults committing stupid, childish mistakes and decided that I will maintain I the state between being an adult and a child. The situation is changing now because of many situations and particular circumstances of my life but still I think that so called “maturity” is overrated. It is good to maintain a child in oneself, despite what other would say or think. In addition I give you a drawing which depicts me as I was a child :).